American Institute for Conservation
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164 search results for textile

AIC Textile Specialty Group, Textile Specialty Group MenuMore Textile conservators are professionals who work to stabilize and care for textile objects in an effort to preserve them for future generations. Textile objects include carpets, tapestries, clothing, upholstered furniture, fiber art, of textile objects combines unique skills gained through advanced training and ongoing study in art history
AIC Textile Specialty Group, Textile Specialty Group Menu More We support the professional development of textile conservators. Textile conservators are professionals who work to stabilize and care for textile objects in an effort to preserve them for future generations. Textile objects include carpets, tapestries, clothing, upholstered furniture, fiber, and preservation of textile objects combines unique skills gained through advanced training and ongoing study
AIC Textile Specialty Group Publications and Resources, Textile Specialty Group Menu More Resources, about any topic relevant our members. Textile Conservation Wiki The Textile Conservation Wiki outlines practices and procedures used by textile conservators. Trained textile, standard practices and emerging trends in the field of textile conservation and share their expertise, to conservators working in the field about the hand stitches used in textile conservation as well
AIC Textile Specialty Group Stipend, Textile Specialty Group Menu More Textile Specialty Group Stipend The application portal will open on October 31, 2022. The Textile, . Administered through AIC, The Textile Specialty Group offers speaker stipends in the amount of $200, : Notification of award Criteria for Review Applicant must be a member of the Textile Specialty
AIC Textile Specialty Group Achievement Award, -written nearly 50 papers on archaeological textiles; the museum environment; textile treatment issues, , the Textile Museum in Washington, DC, the Association pour l’Etude et la Documentation des Textiles d’Asie, Textile Specialty Group MenuMore Textile Specialty Group Achievement Award The Textiles Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of textile conservation by an individual or entity that has promoted, defended, and worked
AIC Textile Specialty Group Publications and Resources, Menu ❌ Find A Conservator Member Center Donate Annual Meeting Shop Textile, Member Community The Textile Specialty Group Online Community, launched July 31, 2018, is a space, will take the place of the TSG-discuss and TSG-announce listservs. Textile Conservation Wiki The Textile Conservation Wiki evolved from theTextile Conservation Catalog (TCC), an outline of practices and procedures used by textile conservators. It is a forum for members and conservation
AIC Textile Specialty Group Scholarship, Menu ❌ Find A Conservator Member Center Donate Annual Meeting Shop Textile Specialty Group Menu More Textile Specialty Group Scholarship The Textile Specialty Group (TSG) offers scholarships up to $1,500 to support its members in disseminating scholarly research in textile conservation and participating
AIC Textile Specialty Group Achievement Award, in Clothing and Textiles and minoring in Sociology/Anthropology with special emphasis on textile techniques, papers on archaeological textiles; the museum environment; textile treatment issues, materials, Textile Specialty Group Menu More Textile Specialty Group Achievement Award This award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of textile, of the importance of textiles and their need for preservation. DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 1 Nominate Guidelines
Textile Specialty Group at the AIC Annual Meeting, Textile Specialty Group Menu More Events AIC Annual Meeting Textile Sessions We coordinate textile conservation-related programming for AIC, into publications and resources. See past textile session programs by going to the Annual Conference, , TSG, textile
Textile Specialty Group - Postprints, Vol. 8 (1998), to Oxidative Bleaching of Cellulosic Textiles Susan Adler 27 Disaster Recovery: Teaching Textile, textiles, there are certain expectations of just how white a textile object should appear. At times, not be considered official statements of the Textile Specialty Group or AIC. The Textile Specialty, are distributed to members of the Textile Specialty Group. Additional copies may be purchased from, : Hamilton Print Works, courtesy of the American Textile History Museum, Lowell, Massachusetts. Volume