Member Discount
In collaboration with JSTOR, we are pleased to offer you a special, discounted fee for JPASS, a new JSTOR access plan for individuals.
Designed for those who don't have access to JSTOR archives, the pass is ideal for members working outside of an institution. It is also valuable for faculty members at institutions with limited access to JSTOR and for adjuncts with sporadic access to library resources. Regardless of your institutional affiliation, JPASS serves as your personal library card to the rich selection of journals on JSTOR.
As part of your membership, we are able to offer you the 1-year access plan for $99—a 50% discount on the listed rate. The plan includes unlimited reading and 120 article downloads—not only to our jounal archive issues but to more than 1,500 humanities, social science, and science journals in the JSTOR archival collections.
Learn more and browse the 1,500+ journals in this program at