FICTION. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are held to the same editorial and peer-review standards. Further, JAIC does not ask about the nationality of the corresponding author. Quality of English language is considered during review and often favors native English speakers. We cannot assess the relative acceptance rates of articles written by native English speakers and those written by non-native English speaker as this metric is not recorded. However, all articles submitted to and published by JAIC list authors’ addresses, allowing us to retroactively assess their geographic location, with the caveat that a foreign affiliation does not necessarily signify a non-native English speaker. The graph below, of papers published or accepted for publication between 2015-2020, shows that the number of authors working at locations outside of the USA varies widely; some years have significant numbers of international authors while other years show relatively few. Published authors come from a variety of countries, with more from Canada and European countries including England, Norway, and Italy; and fewer from more diverse locales, including: Iran, Denmark, Egypt, Austria, India, and Australia.
Country affiliations vary more widely for rejected papers than for accepted ones, and include authors working in Italy, Canada, Egypt, Iran, Ukraine, Tanzania, Netherlands, and England. This suggests that by upholding the same standards for all manuscripts, non-native English speakers are published less frequently. Note that if the content of the work is deemed acceptable by the peer reviewers but the quality of the English is not, JAIC suggests that authors seek assistance either from colleagues or editorial assistance services. Taylor & Francis offers in-house services (, but many other companies are available.