Liaison Program News

ECPN oversees four robust liaison programs that work to strengthen the greater ECP community and foster connections with the larger conservation professional network. Learn more about the Liaison Program and How to Get Involved.

We strive to highlight our dedicated liaisons' hard work. Check out the featured liaison news below to learn more about recent activities.

Liaison News Update, February 2022

We are excited to welcome many new faces to the Specialty Group Liaison Program. Please welcome Leah Humenuck as the new RATS ECPN Liaison, Ali Wysopal and Hector J. Berdecia-Hernandez as the new ASG Co-Liaisons, and Miriam-Helene Rudd as OSG Liaison. We are thrilled to announce we have opened a new region in Hartford, CT with Caitlin Green as Regional Liaison and a new Graduate Liaison position at the University of Texas at Austin with Dulce Davis! We are very excited to be building ECPN's presence in the area. 
Liaisons have been busy this term hosting virtual and in-person events. Many events have focused on graduate student experiences. Laura Jacobs (Queens) hosted a virtual event discussing the application process and life at Queens University. Devon Lee and Alayna Bone (NYC) and Emma Hartman (NYU) co-hosted a similar event discussing NYU applications and interviews. Tatiana Shannon and Kate Breitenstein (Boston) hosted a series of virtual events with academic advisors at NYU, Queens, and UCLA/Getty. And Emily Mercer (Buffalo) hosted an Open House with Buffalo State College. 
Other Liaisons have hosted informal happy hours and meet and greets including Gabrielle Rucker (St Lous), Emily Farek (Nashville), Jennifer Beetem (Seattle), Katherine Miromonti and Joy Carlsen (Denver).  Some in-person events have included a tour of the Orange Show hosted by Monica Argumedo Rendon (Houston), walking tour of Mt. Auburn Cemetery hosted by Tatiana Shannon and Kate Breitenstein (Boston), and a happy hour hosted by Nylah Byrd and AnnaLivia McCarthy (Philadelphia). Kris Cnossen (TSG) also hosted the first MRCG/ECPN Portfolio Day with collaboration from Marissa Bartz (Cleveland) and Caroline Shaver (former Williamsburg Liaison).  
Outreach Officers published the Graduate Training Abroad Spreadsheet. Last year we discussed how Outreach can get more involved with training programs abroad, which led us to develop this spreadsheet as a guide to programs, crowdsourced by recent graduates and current students. We are still accepting edits and new entries! 
We encourage anyone looking to connect with conservation peers, specialty groups, and regional liaisons to reach out (emails found here)!  As always, we are super excited about all the events and ideas this group of amazing emerging conservation professionals has planned. Don't miss out! 
-Ashley Stanford and Kaela Nurmi, ECPN Outreach Officers,

Archive Liaison News

See the list below for past programs and news from ECPN's Regional, Graduate, Specialty Group, and Committee and Network Liaisons!

Graduate Program Liaison Highlights 

Throughout the 2020-21 term, ECPN Outreach Officers interviewed the ECPN Graduate Liaisons to learn more about this fabulous group of students and their perspective programs. 

Please click on the highlights below to read each Liaison's personal insight into their graduate program, application advice, tips, and other valuable resources and insights into graduate school! You can also always reach out to the Outreach Officers or the Liaisons themselves for any more information. 

Check out past interviews with the Grad Liaisons below! 

Interview with Laura García-Vedrenne and Clair Emma Smith, ECPN San Francisco Regional Liaisons

This latest interview presented by ECPN Outreach Officers is with Laura García-Vedrenne and Clair Emma Smith, ECPN San Francisco Regional Liaisons. We interviewed these two emerging conservators to find out more about the San Francisco Mentorship Program that began almost a year ago. The Mentorship Program, which they helped form in response to COVID-19 lockdowns, was created to help match pre-program students struggling to find opportunities with virtual mentorships in the Bay Area. 

Click the pdf below to learn more about this program and the two hardworking emerging conservators behind it. You can also learn more about the ECPN Liaison Program and find Regional Liaisons in your area to connect with here

Specialty Group Liaison Highlights 

Each month during the 2018-20 terms, ECPN Outreach Officers will be featuring one of our fabulous Specialty Group Liaisons on social media. Please see below for the interview series and reach out to the Outreach Officers or the Liaisons themselves for any more information. Thank you to all of our Liaisons for their service!

  • 2019-20 Archaeological Discussion Group Liaison

  • 2019-20 Electronic Media Group Liaison

  • 2019-20 Photographic Materials Group Liaison

  • 2019-20 Object Specialty Group Liaison

  • 2019-20 Book & Paper Group Liaison

  • 2019-20 Paintings Specialty Group Liaison

  • 2019-20 Conservators in Private Practice Group Liaison

  • 2019-20 Research and Technical Studies Group Liaison

  • 2018-19 Textiles Specialty Group Liaison

  • 2018-19 Wooden Artifacts Group Liaison

  • 2018-19 Architecture Specialty Group Liaison

  • 2018-19 Electronic Media Group Liaison

  • 2018-19 Archaeological Discussion Group Liaison