Publications such as our scholarly journal and member newsletter feature the latest developments in the field. Browse our specialized books or serials on various topics in conservation.

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  • Search for job ads in our Career Centernew
  • Receive a Job Flash email listing open positions with your membership.
  • Share job and fellowship openings with thousands of potential applicants, starting at $199. Remember to include salary ranges.
  • Post internships for free!

Newsletter (AIC News)

Publication Dates:  January, April, July, and October

Reservation and Materials Deadline: The 15th day of the month preceding the issue (e.g., June 15th for the July issue) for position listings and display ads.

Note: All ads can publish in color.

The newsletter is a quarterly, full-color publication that reports on vital conservation issues, conferences, new techniques and materials, and organizational activities. It provides readers with a resource for learning about employment opportunities, new publications, and upcoming courses and seminars. We present it in both online e-magazine format as well as a downloadable, printable pdf. We keep archives of every issue online, so members have access to the full publication at any time.

Journal (JAIC)

Publication Dates: February, May, August, November. However, two issues may be combined into one edition, particularly in the case of special issues. Future special issues may be published as a May/August double issue. Past special issues have focused on collection care, reflectance hyperspectral imaging, and salted paper print photography.

Reservation and Materials Deadlines: December 1, March 1, June 1, and September 1

The Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC), a four-color publication, contains scholarly articles dealing with scientific research, current issues, and technical procedures in the conservation field. We distribute it three to four times a year to members and museum, library, and university subscribers.

Annual Meeting Publications

Publication Dates: Annually in May

Reservation and Materials Deadlines: Reserve by February 15; Materials due March 15

This annual event draws the largest concentration of conservators in North America! Reach them with a print ad in one of our Annual Meeting publications. You can place an ad in our abstract book/onsite program, or in one of our follow-up postprint publications.

Postprint Publications

Publication Dates: Annual and Biannual

Our specialty groups produce nine annual postprints and one biannual postprint of conference sessions after our annual meeting. They typically publish before the following annual meeting, and are used for reference for years. 


Publication Dates: ongoing

With our growing audience, we offer a way to reach your audience of conservation professionals instantly. Reach nearly 30,000 contacts in a variety of ways. We've partnered with Association Revenue Partners to manage our website and email advertising opportunities. For more information, contact Tim Waddill at

