Membership informs your work, connects you with your colleagues, and advances your career. Share knowledge, celebrate accomplishment, and lead the field.

Member Engagement Subcommittee

The Member Engagement Subcommittee supports new and existing members with a focus on enhancing the member experience.

It works in collaboration with our staff, the Equity & Inclusion Committee, Nominating Committee as well as its parent Membership Committee. We formed the Member Engagement Subcommittee of the Membership Committee in the summer of 2020.

It helps to introduce new members to the organization, encourages members to take on volunteer leadership roles, provides support to first-time volunteers, recognizes the work of volunteers, and promotes ongoing member engagement, including promotion of membership designations.

Goals and Future Activities

  • Support creation of orientation materials to help familiarize new members with the organization.
  • Collaborate with the Equity & Inclusion Committee and Nominating Committee to promote a diverse membership.
  • Develop materials, events, and communication strategies to ensure all members feel welcomed and supported.
  • Create a plan to encourage members, particularly new members, to serve in a volunteer capacity
  • Develop materials and strategies to support volunteer leadership, particularly first-time volunteers.
  • Create a plan for volunteer recognition.
  • Collaborate with the Nominating Committee to create strategies to encourage participation in volunteer elections.
  • Collaborate with the Membership Committee and membership staff to promote membership designations.

Monthly Member Meet-up

Join your fellow members for our informal monthly meet-up every second Friday of the month at 2-3pm ET.



We are currently accepting applications for this committee. Contact us if you'd like to join a meeting to see what we do! If would like to join, send your CV and statement of interest to the email address below.


Contact 202.661.8065 or