Kentucky Severe Storms and Flooding
FAIC is supporting Kentucky’s Alliance for Response, the Kentucky Heritage Emergency Response Network (KHERN) as they navigate the first disaster declaration since formalizing in 2022.
General Resources
KY Mental Health Resources for Crisis Counselling
Flood Recovery Resources
How to preserve photos after a flood (video)
Drying Wet Collections and Buildings tip sheet (pdf)
Mold tip sheet (pdf)
Health and Safety tip sheet (pdf)
Save Your Family Treasures (web)
How You Can Help
Share NHR contact information below with anyone whose collections may have been affected
Donate at
How to Receive Assistance with Collections Recovery
Individuals, if your personal items have been damaged in an emergency, email:
Institutions, if your collections have been affected by an emergency, call our National Heritage Responders 24/7 hotline at 202.661.8068
Not urgent? Email
Rapid Impact Assessment Form
With support from the Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF), online assessment forms for affected arts and culture communities are available and will help identify where assistance is sought, provide assistance where needed, understand critical needs, and inform how recovery efforts progress.
If your collections have been impacted by a crisis or disaster of any type or scale, we encourage you to complete a brief assessment form.
Arts Organizations Assessment Form
Individual Artists and Performing Groups Assessment Form
Rapid Damage Assessment Form for Cultural Organizations
Los Angeles Fires
FAIC's National Heritage Responders are sharing resources and reaching out to local colleagues, arts organizations, and individuals whose collections have been affected by the fires.
Fire Recovery Resources
Collections Evacuation Tip Sheet (pdf)
Fire Smoke, Soot, and Ash Recovery Tip Sheet (pdf)
Recovery Company Tip Sheet (pdf)
After the Fire: Health and Safety Resources (video)
After the Fire: Book and Paper Salvage (video)
After the Fire: Object Salvage (video)
How You Can Help
Share NHR contact information below with anyone whose collections may have been affected
Donate at
Individuals, if your personal items have been damaged in an emergency, email:
Institutions, if your collections have been affected by an emergency, call: 202.661.8068
Not urgent? Email
Hurricanes Helene and Milton
Our NHR volunteers are actively providing guidance and support for Pinellas County, Florida institutions in their effort to conserve collections that were frozen in the aftermath of the hurricanes.
NHR volunteers also provided remote and in-person assistance to museums, historic sites, and artists in the Asheville region whose collections were damaged by flooding. Thanks to strong Alliance for Response regional response teams under the auspices of
Cultural Resources Emergency Support Team (CREST) that had previously received training and microgrant support from FAIC, local responders where able to take the lead on outreach and response efforts.