Review Current Advocacy Actions
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for new updates.
Allied Organizations' Resources
Recent Alerts from AIC and Allies
- AIC: Act Now to Save IMLS, AIC alert, March 17, 2025
- AAM: Ask Your Museum’s Supporters to Save IMLS - March 17, 2025. These facts will help inform you as you speak out and contact your
representatives (see If You Have 5 Minutes, Do This! for more
- AAM/Congressweb: Protect IMLS from Indiscriminate Staffing Cuts: templates for general public, museum professionals, and letters to state reps
- ALA: Reach out to your representation in Congress to tell the administration that we expect our next AOTUS to be impartial, highly qualified, and ethically motivated, in response
to the recent firing of the head of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) - March 17, 2025
- AAM: Contact your members of Congress to express your concerns about potential indiscriminate staffing cuts at IMLS that could severely weaken its ability to fulfill
its mission and support our field.
- AASLH: For those of you affiliated with organizations, fill out AASLH's short survey on how changes to federal funding are affecting your organization.
- AAM: Read American Alliance of Museums (AAM) posting on social media about the results of a survey of museum leaders, asking what would happen without funding from agencies.
- Learn about IMLS’ first ever National Museum Survey.
AIC Listening Sessions and Events:
March 21, 2025 – 12:00-1:00pm EST: Member-led Sharing Session on Current Events (For AIC Members)
The Member Engagement Subcommittee is hosted a live member non recorded Zoom session for members to share subjective, personal experiences with recent government changes. This session will bring members together to connect and share feelings and fears
in a supportive environment.This event will be repeated for members.
April 7, 2025 3:00-3:45pm EST: Advocacy 101: How to Use our Toolkit for Protecting Federal Funding for Preservation (Open to all)
Join AIC for a virtual Advocacy 101 and walk through our Advocacy Toolkit with tips on how to take action, why federal funding for conservation is critical, what’s at risk if agencies are defunded, and FAIC programs that would be eliminated without
federal funding. Also learn the conservation impact: get the stats, learn everyday advocacy, and discover partner organizations advocating for support, and more. REGISTER
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