About Conservation
Conservation is the preservation of cultural heritage for future generations. Find a conservation professional, learn about the field, and discover resources to help preserve the objects that are important to you.

Advocate for Conservation

Hundreds of millions of artifacts and historic structures are in need of conservation, yet funding for collecting and cultural institutions remains uncertain. Make sure your elected officials understand the long-term value of protecting our cultural heritage.

Be an advocate and make your voice heard!

Respond to Our Action Alerts

Sign up for dedicated emails sent when we need you to take action on federal issues and help us with broader advocacy work for the arts and humanities. Join by adding "advocacy" as an interest at My Profile.

When you receive an Action Alert in your email or see a call to action on social media, contact your representatives in Congress about the issue. We often get very little advance notice of votes, so try to act within 24 hours of receiving the alert. Full email inboxes, busy lines, and full voicemail inboxes can be frustrating, but this is ultimately a good thing! 

Response Tips

  • Short phone calls and emails are the most effective
  • Use the email provided as a script for a call
  • Call both the local office and Washington office.

Congressional staffers tend to keep tallies of those calling or emailing in for or against a particular issue. The tallies are often the only information passed on to the elected official. Focus on reaching your representatives quickly and use the templates provided.

    Take Part in an Advocacy Day

    Attend a Capitol Hill advocacy day organized for arts and humanities professionals. We partner with allied organizations to advocate for funding and recognition for conservation and preservation. Some of these organizations offer training sessions on how to be an effective advocate and will book appointments for you to meet with elected officials. Typically, you attend appointments in a group, which can help a first-time advocate. 

    Organizations with Advocacy Days

    Advocacy days typically take place in February and March, but dates change yearly, so be sure to update your calendars. If you want conservation to have a greater role in advocacy, you need to attend these events.

    Advocate Everyday

    Advocacy is a long game. As often as possible, engage with your representatives to voice your support for the field, and engage with your community through outreach activities to explain the need for political advocacy. 

    Everyday Tips

    • Talk about your advocacy efforts with your family, friends, and neighbors via email, social media, and in person
    • Set up an appointment with your Congressperson in their district office
    • Invite your Congressperson on a lab tour or to events at your organization  

    These leads to a greater understanding of the role conservation professionals play and builds the case for broader support. 

    Concerned About an Advocacy Issue?

    Contact Ruth Seyler, our meetings and advocacy director, at