Textile Specialty Group Achievement Award

This award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of textile conservation by an individual or entity that has promoted, defended, and worked in support of the importance of textiles and their need for preservation.




  • Write a statement on the nominee’s commitment to the field in areas such as research, analysis, conservation, teaching, and support of the textile conservation community.
  • List the name and email address of one additional co-sponsor who also provides a written statement testifying to the nominee's commitment to the field. Additional co-sponsors are welcome but not required.
  • Submit the completed nomination form by February 1.


  • Nominees should be or have been a Professional Associate or a Fellow member of the American Institute for the Conservation. The review committee takes into consideration the nominee's dedication to the organization over their years of membership and considers those not Professional Associates or Fellows based on their individual merit.
  • Nominators must be an Associate, a Professional Associate or a Fellow member.
  • Members currently serving on AIC Boards/Committees may not receive awards during their tenure.
  • The review committee may consider an nomination for up to three years.

Review Committee

  • The committee comprises four TSG members, three voting members and an alternate. The four committee members in 2024-2025 are Obie Linn, Kathleen Kiefer, Kaelyn Garcia, and Sara Luduena.
  • They are responsible for selecting awardees that have shown dedication, commitment, leadership and continuous contribution to the field of Textile Conservation.
  • Each committee member serves staggered four-year terms with one new member chosen and one finishing their tenure each year. The first year of their term, the member will serve as alternate and the last year as the committee chair.
  • During this period, the members are not eligible to nominate a candidate nor eligible for nomination themselves. 
Questions about the award process can be directed to Committee Chair Obie Linn at obie@obietextileconservation.com.


Click on their names to read about their accomplishments.
  • 2024: Patricia Ewer

  • 2023: Catherine McLean

  • 2022: Kathy Francis

  • 2021: Christine Giuntini

  • 2020: Denyse Montegut

  • 2019: Vicki Cassman

  • 2018: Margaret Anderson (formerly Margaret Fikioris)

  • 2017: Joy Gardiner

  • 2016: Lucy Commoner

  • 2015: Harold F. Mailand

  • 2014: Patsy Orlofsky

  • 2013: Leslie Melville Smith

  • 2012: R. Bruce Hutchinson (awarded posthumously)

  • 2011: Mary Ballard

  • 2010: Jane Merritt