American Institute for Conservation
We support and empower professionals, institutions, and the public in preserving our irreplaceable cultural heritage.

Search Results

158 search results for textile

for Selected Gouaches,Watercolors and Textiles (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 28
Textiles: an Overview and Update of CCI Research, The Book and Paper Group Annual, Vol. 20 (2001) Tse, , Watercolors and Textiles (abstract), The Book and Paper Group Annual,Vol. 28 (2009) Beltran, Vincent
handle treasures of the collections, including books, documents, photographs, paintings, textiles
: such as non-woven textiles for washing supports or blotters that can be laundered and used again; Sponges can
, Photographic Material, Textiles, Wooden Artifacts, Conservators in Private Practice, and Research
of Anoxic Color Fading for Selected Gouaches, Watercolors and Textiles (abstract)”. The Book
for use in textiles in Europe during the 18th century (Barrett 2014; Collings and Milner 1990). 3.2.1