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K-12 Education Outreach

Here are some resources to help you introduce K-12 audiences to conservation.

Online Resources

We maintain a list of K-12 Educational Resources on Conservation on our wiki. It contains sources for lesson plans, online exhibits, interactives, and games. Conservators may find this information useful in preparing workshops for the public or for students, or other outreach activities. Museum educators and teachers can explore these links for ideas and concepts to introduce.


If you are an educator interested in collaborating with a conservator on workshops or presentations in a classroom, museum, or cultural heritage site, email the working group at the address below to see who is available to help you.

If you are a member interested in volunteering with this effort, email the working group with the types of outreach you are willing to provide and your best contact methods.

Education Outreach Working Group

We formed the Education Outreach Working Group in 2010, because our members requested help with presenting the field of conservation to a K-12 audience. Email them at