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FAIC / Tru Vue Conservation and Exhibition Grant


Tru Vue, Inc. has partnered with the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation to offer grants to support projects in glazing applications for preservation and exhibition of museum and library collections. The goals of this grant program include increasing knowledge of glazing applications, supporting the preservation of collections, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, and encouraging the involvement of conservators in museum and library collection projects.

Funds are to help defray direct project costs, including contract workers, display fabrication, supplies, and publicity. Salary and benefit expenses of full-time conservators on staff are not eligible for funding but may be included in the overall budget to show institutional support for the project.

Up to four awards will be made each year. Each award includes a cash amount of up to $3,000, and a donation of Optium Museum Acrylic® or UltraVue® Laminated Glass, which include one of the products listed below for use directly related to the conservation and display project. Applicants must determine which material is appropriate for their project prior to applying, and can reach out to Tru Vue at for assistance or to request samples.

The material donation excludes any shipping or fabrication costs.

Applications are due February 15 and September 15 of each year. Applications are reviewed by members of the AIC Education and Training Committee and a recommendation is made to the FAIC board for final approval. Notification of awards are made six to eight weeks after the deadline. Projects should be completed within 12 months of receiving the award.

Criteria for Review

  • Applicants must be a not-for-profit collecting institution (museum or library) with active exhibition programs and located in one of the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, or U.S. territories
  • Institutions must have at least one full-time conservator on staff or a conservator on contract for the project
  • Rationale for support (demonstrated conservation goals, rather than collection management or maintenance)
  • Feasibility of project (project support and appropriate use of Optium Museum Acrylic® or UltraVue® Laminated Glass products) and project significance
  • Level of innovation in use of Optium Museum Acrylic® or UltraVue® Laminated Glass products
  • Publicity proposed for project to help raise awareness of conservation, including online efforts

Additionally, preference may be given to projects that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Highlight the role of conservation and/or conservators
  • Institutions that have not received funding from FAIC in the past three years.

Application Process

Applications are submitted through our online application portal. When you enter the portal, you will be prompted to login to the system using a login ID and password. This system is not currently synced with our main database, so your login information may be different. If you do not have an account in the system, you can quickly set one up before you begin your application.

The online form will take you through the four sections of the application:

  1. Institution (name and contact information, description of activities related to exhibitions, letter of commitment).
  2. Conservator (name and contact information, resume/CV, letter of commitment).
  3. Project (description of the project, publicity, institutional plans and priorities).
  4. Budget (project costs and FAIC funding request).

You can save and return to your application later to complete it. When you are satisfied with your responses, “save and finalize” to submit your application. Once the application has been submitted, you cannot return to edit the form.


Final Report

A final written report should be submitted within 60 days of completion of the project. Final reports should be sent to and are required to be eligible for future funding. Reports may be published in part or in full by FAIC and Tru Vue, including posting on the FAIC and/or Tru Vue websites.

Final reports should include:

  • A statement by the project conservator on what worked, lessons learned, and how the event was publicized
  • A summary of expenses and sources of revenue for the project
  • Copies of publicity materials, such as news articles
  • Two to six digital images of the project, including at least one image of the completed project
  • Copies of project documentation such as conservation report summaries and photo documentation

For more information about the Tru Vue Optium® Acrylic products, visit

FAIC thanks Tru Vue for its support of this grant program. FAIC and AIC do not endorse any manufacturer’s products or make any recommendations regarding the suitability of particular brands of materials for conservation or exhibit purposes.