Research & Technical Studies Postprints
Our Research & Technical Studies Group publishes this non-peer-reviewed publication annually.
- consists of papers presented at the group's session of our annual meeting and independent submissions published at the discretion of the group.
- contains non-peer-reviewed content for which its authors are solely responsible--both in the accuracy of their submissions and for the methods and/or materials they present, and as such, does not constitute any kind of official statement or endorsement on behalf of the organization
Research and Technical Studies Group Postprints Vol. 6 (2015-2018)
Volume 6 (2015-2018)
Abstracts for all presentations
Annotated PowerPoints:
- Out of the Rain: Uncovering Artistic Process in Gustave Caillebotte’s ‘Paris Street; Rainy Day,’ by Kelly Keegan, John Delaney, and Pablo Garcia
- Using Portable XRF Analyzers for X-ray Radiograpy, by Ashley Jehle, Renée Stein, Maureen Graves and John Malko
- Visible-Induced Luminescence Imaging: Past, Current and Future Applications in Conservation Research, by Giacomo Chiari, Dawn Lohnas Kriss, Caroline I. Roberts, Anna Serotta, Marie Svoboda
- Stability of Polyvinyl Butyral Polymers with Light Exposure, by David Thomas, Matthew L. Clarke, Blythe McCarthy and Ellen Chase
- Big Things Come in Small Packages: The Materials Analysis Lab at Colonial Williamsburg and its Impact Throughout the Foundation, by Kirsten Moffitt
- A Collaborative Study of Sari Dienes’ Plaster Works, by Ainslie Harrison, Annette Fritsch
Extended Abstracts:
- Investigation and optimization of electrochemical treatment for daguerreotypes, by Elyse Canosa
- Revisiting paper pH determination: 40 years of evolving practice in the Library of Congress Preservation Research and Testing Laboratory, by Cindy Connelly Ryan, Eric Breitung, Lynn Brostoff, Michele Youket
- Investigating Conservation Materials for Painted PMMA: Comparing Aging Environment Impact with Nano Thermal Analysis, by Donald Sale, Angelica Bartoletti, Laurent Bozec, Marianne Odlyha