We will send your abstract to the review committee for your first-choice session. They will either accept it or will pass on to the review committee for your second choice. If not selected in this second round, we will send your abstract to the review committee for your third choice.
Many review committees will select their talks in the first round and not accept anything during the second or third review rounds. For example, if you submit an abstract to the General Session as your first choice, and it isn’t a good match for the meeting theme, you may have limited your chances of getting your abstract accepted, because the selection committee of your second choice may have already accepted a full slate of talks by the time it comes to them for review. Therefore, your first-choice matters!
Sometimes a review committee for a session that you did not have as one of your three choices will want to accept your abstract for their session, so it is possible that we will accept your abstract even when the review committees for your top three choices decline to take it.
Once all rounds are complete, we notify authors about whether their abstract has been accepted (and for which session) or declined for this year. In general, we receive many more abstracts than we can accommodate in the final program. While deliberations of each review committee are strictly confidential, authors may request further information from the meetings director in the case of rejected submissions.
If we accept your submission into a session, but you are no longer interested in presenting, you may decline to present it.