Wide member participation in the abstract review process for all sessions is essential for creating a successful program. A number of committees (comprised of our members) review submitted abstracts.
Specialty Sessions, including the Collection Care Session, usually have review committees comprised of the elected officers of a particular specialty group and chaired by the group’s program chair.
General, Poster, and Pre-sessions each have their own committees. The board's vice president chairs these committees and serves as overall program chair for the meeting’s plenary (all-attendee/non-specialty) sessions. The vice president appoints members to serve on these committees with the aim of representing a diversity of approaches and expertise within the conservation field.
Committee members read each abstract, discuss its merits, and consider its potential place in the final program. We are fortunate to receive many high quality abstracts each year. In general, we receive many more abstracts than we can accommodate in the final program. While deliberations of each review committee are strictly confidential, authors may request further information from the meetings director on staff in the case of rejected submissions.