About Conservation
Conservation is the preservation of cultural heritage for future generations. Find a conservation professional, learn about the field, and discover resources to help preserve the objects that are important to you.

Caring for Belongings

You can help preserve objects that you care about!

Everyone has things that are special to them that they want to preserve for the future. These guides are meant to provide basic information on how to safely store, handle, and display the things you own and value.

Because different materials require different types of care, we have a series of resources available for you to review. These are in active development, so if you don’t see a topic that you’re interested in, let us know by contacting

How Do I...

  • Care for Metal Objects

    • For example: silver candlesticks, bronze sculpture, a brass bell, pewter mug, silverware, wrought iron art
  • Care for Textiles

    • For example: historic clothing, quilts, samplers, linens, tapestries
  • Decide About Insurance

    • For example: selecting or adapting policies to protect your belongings, working with insurance agents

  • Care for Photographs

    • For example: daguerreotypes on metal supports, ambrotypes made on glass, black and white photographs on paper, and modern color photographs printed on plastic supports.

FileTypeSizeUploaded onDownload
How Do I Care for PhotographsPDF528.01 KB10 Mar, 2025 Download
How Do I Decide about InsurancePDF696.78 KB20 Feb, 2025 Download
How Do I Care for TextilesPDF871.03 KB20 Feb, 2025 Download
How Do I Care for Metal ObjectsPDF840.75 KB18 Aug, 2022 Download

Legacy Resources

We're in the process of creating new, more user-friendly resources, like the ones shared above, but want to make sure you have access to these earlier guides on caring for important objects:

When to Consult a Professional

If you need further advice or conservation treatment, contact a professional conservator. Conservators combine in-depth knowledge of science and art with extensive practical experience to care for and preserve art objects, artifacts, and other items of cultural and historic value.

Find a Professional