Committee & Network Liaisons

ECPN has established relationships with all AIC Committees and Networks and rely on liaisons to facilitate communication and advocate for the larger ECP community. Temporary Working Groups are also included in this liaison program as their charge and activities may have direct impact for ECPs. Additional responsibilities and initiatives can be given to liaisons by their respective Committee, Network, or Working Group.

To connect with ECPs who have similar interests, contact the appropriate Committee & Network Liaison. If the position is marked vacant, please contact ECPN's Outreach officers. 

Notice a liaison vacancy? Email ECPN’s Outreach officers if you are interested in becoming a Committee & Network Liaison! This position is open to ECPs who are enrolled or have recently graduated from a graduate program in conservation.


Colleen O’Shea analyzing a Korean lacquer table

 Aashna Bawa discusses the treatment of a 19th century frame with the public in the galleries
Kat Fanning repairs a family tree document from the Leo Baeck Institute collection at the Center for Jewish History
Tiffany Tang surface cleaning a set design by playwright Richard Foreman at NYU Bobst Library