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The Utah Alliance for Response aims to bring together cultural institutions, emergency planners, and first responders to address the issue of preserving cultural resources—from collections to buildings—following large-scale disasters.


Randy Silverman

Resources developed by Utah Alliance for Response

Annex to State Emergency Operation Plan(PDF)

Utah Alliance for Response Kick-off Forum

November 2, 2011
Salt Lake City State Office Building Auditorium

Agenda (PDF)
Summary (PDF)
Speaker biographies (PDF)
Planning Committee (PDF)
Participant List (PDF)
Forum summary (PDF)
Forum notes (PDF)

PowerPoint Presentations

Partnerships to Promote Effectiveness, Lori Foley, Heritage Preservation
Why Not Minot? Lessons Learned from Previous Disasters Affecting Cultural Resources, Randy Silverman, University of Utah Marriott Library
State of Utah Division of Emergency Management, Judy Watanabe, Utah Division of Homeland Security
Shut Out After “The Big One”: Regaining Building Access to Assess Collection Damage after the Seismic Event, Brent Maxfield, Structural Engineers Association of Utah
Modeling Anticipated Earthquake Damage along the Wasatch Front, Douglas Bausch, FEMA Region VIII

PowerPoint presentations are not for publication.