Online Communities

We host two online communities that are free to join and open to everyone. We intend them to promote a feeling of community and camaraderie amongst all conservation professionals and provide a forum for discussion amongst our members. Each operates as both a network and a resource. They provide a space for sharing opportunities, making professional connections, participating in fruitful discussions, and promoting increased awareness of the field of conservation.

Facebook Group

We host a public Facebook Group open to all emerging conservation professionals worldwide, including those just learning about the field and considering a career in conservation. We also welcome and encourage established conservation professionals to contribute content and advice.

Join by searching for “Emerging Conservation Professionals Network” on Facebook and click “Request to Join.” This is a public Facebook group in which administrators must approve membership, but they do not moderate discussions. Before joining, please read our guidelines for posting below.

Online Community

  1. Go to Emerging Conservation Professional Community and click “Join.”
  2. Log into the site if you have not already done so. If you do not have a login, the site will prompt you to create one.
  3. Set your email delivery preferences 
  • Real Time: sends an email every time someone posts a new message.

  • Daily Digest (Recommended): sends one email to you each day, consolidating all of the posts from the previous day. This option allows you to follow the discussions without excessive email.

  • No Email: allows you post and read discussions on the community site but not receive notifications of new posts via email.


Local Communities